Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meatless at home.

Well, i've decided to become meatless at home.  For a couple of reasons- dispite the obvious- killing/hurting animals, the chemical additives used in the food the animals eat and are given,  even the 'free range' animals who are treated 'properly' until they are slaughtered...

I feel better -less bloating and I am not as tired or fatigued, not as many migraines and headaches.  I tried this once before and felt better, however it isn't easy to do.  I've bought countless cookbooks, magazines and read dozens of blogs and counting on going meatless and i'm comfortable with it .  Although I have cheated once, OK twice since last tuesday I think that it isn't as bad as I could have been. (one breakfast sausage some bacon and  a small peice of chichen in an asian summer/spring roll)  I'm not saying that I won't eat meat, i'm saying that I will watch what I'm eating and think about the consequences that go along with the meat that I'm injesting.

I've had fewer headaches (just headaches over the last week and not migraines) the main reason why I've decided to try cutting out meat.  I've been buying fresh grains and fresh veggies/fruit and it is nice to have them  around as you always can munch on something.

I will admit that I will not cut out eggs (in cooking and on occation), and cheese.  I don't think I could live without cheese.  I have not done enough research to find out what is suitable substitute.  I am working on this  and am willing to try.  Another thing that I am (scared to, ) and will try is to cook tofu with the many ways that it can be prepared... Ugh, I will get it right one of these days.

For now, I will have my supper tonight and through trial and error make some delicious meals.

On tonights menu:  I've made a mini pizza with Greek Pita bread and some hot peppers, olives and some mozzeralla cheese.  One of my favorite fast, easy things I make when I'm too tired and fed up to cook.

For tomorrows lunch I've made brown lentils ( I got them right this time, they aren't mushy), some parsley, onions, button mushroom (I think that is what they are called), coarsly chopped walnuts, along with some feta cheese.

I haven't taken any pictures and it's usually because I get half way through preparing and or eating the meal then think- 'damn I should have taken pictures'  ---  I'm usually in the zone when cooking as Cooking Keeps Me Sane.