Friday, August 6, 2010


I bought a small bag of carrots this afternoon.  The reason for this is because I saw a recipe in 'Cook with Jamie' called sticky saucepan carrots, I usually don't have carrots in the fridge becaue they go bad.  Carrots are not one of the veggies that I keep for some reason.

Reading his recipe, I thought it would be a good idea to make these.  Then I thought soup.  Looked up 101 cookbooks site and typed in carrots and found this recipe for carrot soup - I decided to make soup for the second time in my life (first one doesn't count because I fell asleep and burnt the soup).

I took stock of what I had in the fridge-
some chicken stock ( I will use the brovil and water as I didn't make any real chicken stock)
Long green peppers (not sure what kind)
baby cherry tomatos
chopped parsley (from the taboule that I made and pre chopped)
okra  (which I absolutly love)
carrots (of course)
mushrooms chopped small (in my case, i mushed them by accident)
some herbs from my pantry (dill, chilantro)
a large handfull and 1/2 of red lentils
2 slices of bacon
lemon juice
and olive oil

first saute the onions with olive oil, until translucent, add garlic, bacon (chopped)
chop up your carrots into small chunks, cut okra- add lemon juice,
throw in your 4 cups of broth, add carrots, okra, parsley, long green peppers mushrooms, spices, tomatos, challots and let boil for 10 minutes, then bring temp down to simmer
it's a free for all.  just go with it. add salt and pepper to taste.
I forgot the dill- oh well you could always add it later.

I'll post the photos once I clean the conter top and get the steps started.

I'm also not sure if I could freeze this soup to bring to dad.  He hasn't been feeling well so hopefully he'll like my carrot soup.